Jay Wesley Richards has a Ph.D.(honors) in philosophy and theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was formerly a Teaching Fellow. Currently he is a Visiting Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, following his work as a Research Fellow and the Director of Media at the Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His masters thesis (Th.M., Calvin Theological Seminary) treated philosopher of science Michael Polanyi. From 1996-1998, he was executive and associate editor of The Princeton Theological Review, and president of the Charles Hodge Society at Princeton Theological Seminary. He has published in academic journals such as Religious Studies, Christian Scholars' Review, The Heythrop Journal, Encounter, The Princeton Theological Review, Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith: The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation; as well as editorial features in The Washington Post, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and IntellectualCapital.com.