Andrew N Liveris
The B Team
Ernesto Zedillo
Inter-American Dialogue
Indra Nooyi
The B Team
Ajay Banga
The B Team
Ursula Burns
Ford Foundation
Ratan N Tata
The B Team
Kathryn S Fuller
Ford Foundation
Thomas F McLarty III
Inter-American Dialogue
Robert S Kaplan
Ford Foundation
Jochen Zeitz
The B Team
David W Crane
The B Team
Carla A Hills
Inter-American Dialogue
Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss
Ford Foundation
Alice M Rivlin
Ford Foundation
James Thomas Kolbe
Inter-American Dialogue
Larry Summers
Inter-American Dialogue
Thurgood Marshall Jr
Ford Foundation
Peter F Geithner
Ford Foundation
Enrique V Iglesias
Inter-American Dialogue
M Peter McPherson
Inter-American Dialogue