Mr. MacDonnell is a 1971 honors graduate of Harvard University Law School where he served as Senior Editor of the Harvard Law Review. Between 1975 and 1981 he served as an Assistant Attorney General and as Chief Counsel of the Attorney General’s prosecution division. In that capacity he supervised and prosecuted numerous high profile, white collar and organized crime cases. In 1981 Mr. MacDonnell accepted appointment as an Assistant United States Attorney and served in that capacity until 1985. In 1985, then Governor Bruce Babbitt appointed him to the position of Superintendent of the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control. In that capacity he supervised the state agency in charge of the responsibility of enforcing Arizona’s liquor statutes until 1987 when he joined the prestigious law firm of Jennings, Strauss and Salmon. He practiced law in the private sector until 2005 when he assumed the position of Chief Deputy County Attorney. Mr. MacDonnell is the office’s second in command.