Veterans For Freedom’s Atlantic Canada representative and host of V4F podcast. Says a trans person is a "permanent mental patient", has waived a picture of a child's genitalia at a protest. Says of being LGBT: "It's a social contagion because if it were a genuine civil rights movement then we should expect to see the oldest generations having the highest rates because they've been suppressed for the longest and now that we're open and tolerant in accepting they can come out and be their authentic selves and all that jazz so it's I think it's very much indicative of the fact that this is the result of indoctrination of the young and not at all representative of a genuine civil rights movement." He is also invested in the revision of history to favour white people, including a version of the Opium Wars in which the British just wanted to be treated as equal trading partners rather than were guilty of the widespread illegal import of opium and that George Floyd died of a drug overdose.