She was a spokesperson for Hands Off Our Kids and a lead organizer of the Toronto 1 Million March 4 Children. Claims not to be anti-2SLGBTQ but criticizes what she calls the "GBQ xyzp agenda" and says "Our public schools have become a factory for creating sexual confusion pushing the ideology that children can be boys if they are girls, and girls if they are boys." She equates "control of our thoughts in our school system" to slavery, "promoting pedophilia," as worse than genocide. Said "LGBTQ is an ideology that has no place in schools it is ANTI Islam, promoting Islamophobia, this ideology is ANTI Religion this is why it should be out of the education system" and associations of LGBTQ with paedophilia and an "agenda." She ran for Mayor of Toronto in the 2023 by-election, winning 913 votes.