“stop the steal” attorney, associate of Mike Lindell
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Kurt Olsen also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Mary Galasso Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Scott McCaleb Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Lisa Wickert Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Barbara Troendle Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Thomas Franklin Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Dirk Basting Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
John S Shiely Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Daniel Bott Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
James H Blanchard Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Margaret Boyadjian Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Laurie Frey Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Lisa Marie Cheney Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Herman McBride Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Robert L Livingston Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Kathleen Hughes Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Charles Lyons Irby Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Christopher Goldsbury Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Lammot du Pont Copeland Jr Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Steven Hotze Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed
Daniel P French Donald Trump, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, WinRed