HomeUnited States Department of Defense Nadine King United States Department of Defense · Office of Net Assessment LinkedIn Nadine Nally (Accessed 2021-07-06) Nadine is currently attending the Eisenhower School - a fellowship that prepares select military officers and civilians for strategic leadership and success in developing national security strategy and in evaluating, marshaling, and managing resources in the execution of that strategy. Most recently, Nadine served as a dual-hatted Commander of the 781st Military Intelligence Battalion (Cyber) and Task Force ONE within the Cyber National Mission Force at USCYBERCOM. Prior to this position, she served as a National Cyber Protection Team Lead at U.S. Cyber Command, the Military Assistant/Cyber Advisor to the Under Secretary of the Army; Chief of Staff to the Director of Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense; and a Strategic Planner for Cyberspace Policy Division within the Joint Staff J5. Previously, she served in a variety of command and staff positions in the U.S. Army, most recently as second-in-command (operations) of the 782D Military Intelligence (Cyber) Battalion, a start-up unit that she helped from 20 to over 450 persons to conduct full-spectrum cyberspace operations in support of joint force commanders. Tactically, Nadine commanded a special mission unit in Iraq which provided Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Terminal Guidance to the Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Commanders in Iraq. Additionally, Nadine served as an Aide-de-Camp to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Multi National Forces - Iraq. Operationally, Nadine deployed to Afghanistan as the Officer-in-Charge for the Real Time - Regional Gateway (RT-RG) providing National to Tactical collection capability. Strategically, Nadine served as a cyber liaison officer to the Director of Intelligence for Partner Engagement at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence where she led an initiative to educate stakeholders and increase information sharing between government and private sector partners; ultimately, gaining concurrence for a concept of operations that facilitated information sharing. She earned a M.B.A from the University of Maryland and a BA in English/Journalism from Morgan State University. She is a graduate of the Junior Officer Cryptologic Career Program, a SIGINT/Cyber immersion fellowship at the National Security Agency. Her combat service includes Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).