Chairman and CEO, Cambridge Global Capital
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Christopher Burnham
PersonCommon Orgs
Paul V Lettow US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Kiron K Skinner US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Terry Branstad US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Catharine O’Neill US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Amy Bradshaw US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Bob Castro US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Kamal Amakrane United Nations, Kofi A Annan
Alexander Gray US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Kristal Quarker Hartsfield US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Hazami Barmada US Department of State, United Nations
Andrew Peek US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Herman Pirchner US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Karina Rollins US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Erin Walsh US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Jackie Wolcott US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Charles Glazer US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Brian Gunderson US Department of State, Condoleezza Rice
Ashley Bell US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Robert Blau US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State
Steven Groves US Department of State, Trump Transition Team Department of State