Kevin Kean is an entrepreneur who believes in our call to be stewards to all of God’s people. For Kevin, Keystone’s mission statement offers opportunity and hope to all people through supporting private sector job creation, low taxation, a responsible regulatory environment, and effective delivery of essential state services. Kevin was born and raised on a Nebraska farm and cattle operation located near 4 federally recognized Indian Reservations. Mr. Kean graduated from the University of Nebraska in economics and was nationally recognized among 220 colleges for his campus and community involvement. By age 26, Kevin had become a licensed realtor, a nationally ranked commodity futures trader, director of commodity futures marketing for a major Midwest investment firm, selected from the securities industry to serve as a NASD arbitrator and developed several business projects. For 30 years, Kevin has been a driving catalyst in the financing and development in Native American businesses generating billions in revenue and creating countless jobs and careers. Kevin’s knowledge, relationships, dedication, donation of monies and endless hours of time to Tribes and Native Americans has made him a respected friend throughout Indian Country.