Every Republican is Crucial PAC
Affiliate: Eric Cantor (R-Va)
Eric Cantor
Former US Representative from Virginia/House Majority Leader; Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Moelis & Company
Eugene Clay Shaw Jr
US Representative from Florida
Marsha Blackburn
US Senator from Tenessee (2019-present); Former US Representative (2003-2019)
Tom Feeney
CEO, Associated Industries of Florida | Former US Rep from Florida
Marco Rubio
US Senator from Florida; (2011-present); 2016 GOP Presidential candidate
Ginny Brown-Waite
Former U.S. Rep. Florida CD5 (R)
Barbara Ann Mikulski
Former US Senator and Representative from Maryland (D)
Judy Chu
US Representative from California
Carlyn Mayer
AIPAC board member; retired, Boca Raton Florida
Lothar L Mayer
Retired - Liberty Hardware Manufacturing, Boca Raton Florida
Harvard University
Elite private university located in Cambridge, MA