Paul Meegan on the evolution of Epic: Newsworthy By Brian Crecente@crecenteb May 8, 2016, 8:30am EDT Share this story Share this on Facebook (opens in new window) Share this on Twitter (opens in new window) SHARE All sharing options Newsworthy is an interview show that aims to talk about the intersection of news and games with newsmakers and thought leaders both inside and outside the game industry. Today with sit down with Paul Meegan, president of Epic Games and former president of LucasArts. Meegan joined Epic in 2012 and became the company's president in 2014. He arrived just in time to see the latest metamorphosis of the company into something that employees there call Epic 4.0. This is the Epic of big, free games like Paragon, Fortnite and Unreal Tournament. The Epic of virtual reality development in virtual reality. The Epic of movies, television, car design, theme park creation. The Epic of, well, everything. I spent the past month or so visiting with the people behind the company about this latest form of Epic and digging into what it means to be 4.0 and how the company got here. I chatted with Meegan about a week before this month's cover story on Epic ran, to discuss everything Epic including the company's evolution and future goals. Polygon Newsworthy is produced by Dave Tach. Please take a moment today to subscribe to the show using the links above and if you're up for it, review it. There are several ways to follow Polygon Newsworthy. You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes with one click, or add it to your podcast player of choice using its RSS feed. It also lives online at Polygon Newsworthy's SoundCloud page âand in the SoundCloud app. For those of you who'd rather control your files, you can always download each story as an MP3. And if you're a fan of talk radio, news or podcasts in general please look into Polygon's other podcasts. Newsworthy joins our growing list of programs, including our game reviews show Quality Control, our award winning daily news show, Minimap, our entertainment show, Cutscene, and our video game-themed comedy podcast, CoolGames, Inc. Check out our podcast hub to see them all.