Former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Frank E Loy
PersonCommon Orgs
Theodore Roosevelt IV US Department of State, League of Conservation Voters, Harvard Environmental Economics Program, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Wendy Abrams Obama for America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Action Fund
Susan Mandel Obama for America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Action Fund
Greg Craig US Department of State, Obama for America, German Marshall Fund
Robert M Perkowitz Obama for America, Environmental Defense Fund, EcoAmerica
Robert E Grady Resources for the Future, Environmental Defense Fund, Harvard Environmental Economics Program
Eileen Claussen Harvard Environmental Economics Program, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Fred Krupp Environmental Defense Fund, Harvard Environmental Economics Program
Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe US Department of State, Obama for America
James E Rogers The Nature Conservancy, Harvard Environmental Economics Program
Harold Hongju Koh US Department of State, Yale Law School
John C Kerr Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Action Fund
Brian Conboy Environmental Defense Action Fund, Washington Ballet
John R Phillips US Department of State, Obama for America
Charles J Hamilton, Jr Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Action Fund
Bruce Oreck US Department of State, Obama for America
Adele Simmons Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Action Fund
Doug Hickey US Department of State, Obama for America
Shelby W Bonnie Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Action Fund
Louis B Susman US Department of State, Obama for America