Michael N Gianaris
New York State Senator
Nicholas A Spano
former NYS Senator
Tom Libous
New York State Senator (R) 52nd Distriction (Binghamton area); conviction for lying to the FBI with judgment tossed posthumously on a technicality
George Maziarz
NYS Senator, 62nd District
Ken Lavalle
NY State Senator
John Bonacic
NY State Senator, Republican
James S Alesi
NYS Public Service Commissioner, former NYS Senator
James L. Seward
NY State Senator
Thomas P DiNapoli
New York State Comptroller
Mark Weprin
Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Rick Lazio
US Representative from New York; 2010 Republican candidate for New York governor
Charles Rangel
US Representative from New York
John E Sweeney
Former US Representative from New York, now lobbyist for Russian oligarchs
Lawyers for Bruno
Group supporting Joseph Bruno, former New York State Senator