Business Positions
Nestlé S.A.
Largest food and beverage manufacturer in the world
Board Memberships
National 4-H Council
Manages the National 4-H Conference Center and the National 4-H Supply Service
Just Capital
"Stakeholder" Capitalism Project of Paul Tudor Jones
Government Positions
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
Pete Wilson
Former US Senator from & Governor of California
Wayne Edward Whitfield
US Representative from Kentucky
Ken Calvert
US Representative from California (1993-present)
Thomas Latham
US Representative from Iowa
Trilateral Commission
International political and economic discussion group
Hastings College of the Law
San Francisco public law school
Miscellaneous Relationships
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
beef industry greenwashing campaign