Steve Quarles is a partner and former chair of the Environment & Natural Resources Group of the Washington, DC law firm of Crowell & Moring LLP. His practice includes counseling, litigation and legislative representation for a wide range of forest products, mining, agricultural and land development associations and companies, state and local governments, and land conservation trusts. He addresses issues concerning wildlife and endangered species, federal lands (including mineral, forestry, land exchange, and access law), and water and air pollution (including matters involving nonpoint source controls and point source permitting, impaired waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads, and wetlands regulation). Steve serves on the 6-member U.S. delegation to the Bi-National Softwood Lumber Council, established in accordance with Article XIII and Annex 13 of the 2006 Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement. He is also a member of the Secretary of the Interior's Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee and the Secretary of Agriculture's National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board.