Jon S. Bouker, co-manager of the government relations department, brings to Arent Fox extensive experience in the United States Congress that he puts to work serving clients both in the firm’s general business and government relations practices. In the firm’s general business department, Jon advises clients on municipal finance matters in the District of Columbia, and in the firm’s government relations group, he represents clients before the US Congress, the White House and federal agencies. In the US House of Representatives, Jon served as chief counsel and legislative director to Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) while at the same time serving as minority counsel to Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA), ranking member of the House Government Reform Committee. Jon’s primary duty on the committee was his role as the Democratic staff director for the House Subcommittee on the District of Columbia, the subcommittee with federal legislative jurisdiction over the nation’s capital. In his work as the House Democrats’ primary staff member for District of Columbia matters, Jon played a central role in developing, negotiating and passing historic legislation to spur the District’s revitalization. Jon also advised Congresswoman Norton on all economic development issues, including passage of the Southeast Federal Center Public-Private Development Act, the first legislation to allow private development of 55 acres of federal waterfront property in the District; a successful effort to retain the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms headquarters in DC; securing funding to build New York Avenue Metro stop; locating the new Department of Transportation headquarters and Homeland Security Headquarters in DC; and reopening National Airport and keeping DC open for business after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Jon also served as Congresswoman Norton’s lead staff person in shepherding through the House and Senate the District’s annual $6 billion appropriation bill. Jon is an adjunct professor of law at American University’s Washington College of Law, where he has taught the legislation course since 1999. He is the vice president of the Washington Free Clinic and sits on the Boards of DC Appleseed and the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clark School of Law. Jon chairs the District of Columbia Affairs Section of the DC Bar. Jon also is a member of the American Bar Association. Jon is involved in a variety of political activities and pro bono efforts, including major projects with the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, Legal Aid and the Council for Court Excellence. He also enjoys playing the piano and collecting silent films. Jon particularly relishes every moment he spends with his wife Kerrie, his daughter Katherine and his son Jon III.