Former president of Polytechnic Institute of New York University; Under Secretary of the Navy (1997-2000)
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Jerry M. Hultin also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Andrew Tobias Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Russ Carnahan, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Hakeem Jeffries, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Robert R Dyson Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, John Douglass, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Christian F Bastian Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Betty Sutton, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Hakeem Jeffries, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary
Agnes Gund Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Betty Sutton, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Hakeem Jeffries, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Gail Furman Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Lee Irwin Fisher, Hakeem Jeffries, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Craig Kaplan Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Betty Sutton, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Hakeem Jeffries
Dorothy Lichtenstein Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Barack Obama, Betty Sutton, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Mark W Heising Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Betty Sutton, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Abigail Disney Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Russ Carnahan, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
George Soros Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Hakeem Jeffries, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Thomas Safran Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Rob Zerban, Hakeem Jeffries, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund
Daniel Berger Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Reshma M Saujani, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Jonathan Soros Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Betty Sutton, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Hakeem Jeffries, Hillary Victory Fund
E Marianne Gabel Sherrod Brown, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Betty Sutton, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, John Waltz, Paula Brooks, Rob Zerban, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Laura Gore Ross Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Hakeem Jeffries, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Morris Pearl Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Hakeem Jeffries, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Hillary Victory Fund
Dennis Mehiel Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, John Waltz, Hakeem Jeffries, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Tony Podesta Sherrod Brown, Russ Carnahan, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Joe Sestak, Ed Towns, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Michael Bennet, Lee Irwin Fisher, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Jeffrey R Gural Timothy H Bishop, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Hakeem Jeffries, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund
Martin Elling Timothy H Bishop, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Steve Israel, Barack Obama, Ted Strickland, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Ohio Democratic Party, Michael Bennet, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Ready for Hillary, Hillary Victory Fund