Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D. lives in Texas. She was born in Indiana and spent her youth in Ohio. She has been a high school teacher, a central office administrator, a consultant for two different regional service centers, and an elementary principal. She has spoken to more than a million educators and has given more than 4,000 speeches and presentations around the world, including engagements in such countries as China, India, Trinidad, Slovakia, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, and Canada. She is the author of A Framework for Understanding Poverty, which has sold more than 1.5 million copies. Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Loyola University M.A. in English Literature, Western Michigan University B.A., Goshen College Founder and President, aha! Process Director of Professional Development, Goose Creek Consolidated ISD, Texas Elementary Principal, Barrington ISD, Illinois Principal Academic Coordinator, Lake County Educational Service Center, Illinois