Business Positions
Covington & Burling LLP
Business and corporate law firm with offices in the District of Columbia, New York, and San Francisco, as well as London and Brussels.
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Campaign committee for Republican U.S. Senate candidates
Rob Portman
US Senator from Ohio (2011-present); former US Representative (1993-2007); former dir. OMB
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Bob Dole
former US Representative and Senator from Kansas | lobbyist
Frank Rudolph Wolf
US Representative from Virginia
Every Republican is Crucial PAC
Affiliate: Eric Cantor (R-Va)
Tom Davis
former US Representative from Virginia
Keith S Fimian
Chairman and CEO of U.S. Inspect, LLC
Max Baucus
former US Senator and Representative from Montana