Philanthropist Chuck Obershaw, an auto dealership owner who funded scholarships and food for students at Cal State San Bernardino and throughout the area, died Thursday, May 23 2019. He was 92. Obershaw owned Chuck Obershaw Toyota, which after he sold it became Toyota of San Bernardino.A World War II veteran who served in the Pacific theater in the 11th Airborne Division, Obershaw worked in The Sun’s advertising department in the 1950s, before taking a weekend job selling cars. He shifted careers after making more in a weekend at the Mercury dealership than in two weeks at The Sun, according to his son. That enabled him to buy a 25% share of San Bernardino’s Toyota dealership in 1965, before the brand was big in the area, and by 1970 he owned it completely. Born in Born in Saginaw, Mich., Chuck Obeshaw was committed to helping San Bernardino, the city where he lived since 1942 and that he credited with allowing his success, Mich., Chuck Obeshaw was committed to helping San Bernardino, the city where he lived since 1942 and that he credited with allowing his success Shelly Obershaw, who taught elementary school for more than 20 years in San Bernardino, then later spent 12 years on the San Bernardino City Unified School District board, survives her husband. She and Chuck Obershaw had five children, one of whom died in 1994.