Professor, University of New Hampshire
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Ruth Sample also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Merle Chambers Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Judith Avery Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Lawrence E Hess Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Cindy Harrell-Horn Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Maria T Vullo Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Clay Kenan Kirk Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Bayard T Storey Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Susan Almy Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Anne E Delaney Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Francene Rodgers Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Anne D Taft Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Richard K Pelz Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Mary Ann Stein Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Lilo J Leeds Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Celia Gilbert Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Alan Sagner Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Annette P Cumming Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Joanne Lyman Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Vicki B Cox Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen, Naral Pro-Choice America PAC
Dorothy Schwarz Hines Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Jeanne Shaheen