Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Al Gore
Vice President of the United States 1993-2001
Tom Vilsack
Biden Ag Sec. candidate, Obama Secretary of Agriculture; Former Governor of Iowa
Geraldine Ferraro
Former VP candidate, NY US Representative
Elizabeth Warren
US Senator from Massachusetts; Harvard law professor; Chair of Congressional Oversight Panel; 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate
Bill Bradley
Former US Senator from New Jersey; Managing Director, Allen & Company LLC
Tom Perriello
Director, Center for American Progress Action Fund
Bill Clinton
42nd US president
Stephen Joshua Solarz
US Representative from New York
Chuck Schumer
US Senator, former Representative from New York
Trilateral North American Group
United Stayes, Canada and Mexico
Trilateral Commission
International political and economic discussion group
Anthony Luzzatto Gardner
US Ambassador to the EU; Managing Director, Palamon Capital Partners
Yale Law School
Ivy League law school
Harvard University
Elite private university located in Cambridge, MA