Stanford Ross specializes in Federal tax and administrative law. He has represented major industry coalitions and individual companies on a variety of domestic and international tax legislative and regulatory issues, and has handled a variety of tax planning and controversy matters for US and foreign-based multinationals. Mr. Ross has dealt extensively with public policy issues while serving in the Treasury Department, on The White House domestic policy staff, as Commissioner of Social Security, and as Public Trustee of Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds. He serves as chair of the Social Security Advisory Board, an independent bipartisan agency of the US government that advises the President, the Congress, and the Social security Administration on pension and income protection issues. Mr. Ross is a director and former president of the National Academy of Social Insurance, and serves as chair of its International Understanding Committee. He has provided technical assistance on social security and tax issues under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and US Treasury Department to various foreign countries. Mr. Ross has taught at the law schools of Georgetown University, Harvard University, New York University, and the University of Virginia, and has been a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has served as chair of American Bar Association Tax Section committees and on the Advisory Committee for the federal income tax laws of the American Law Institute. He is the author of many papers on federal taxation and income security subjects.