Business Positions
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
NYSE: OXY California-based oil and gas exploration and production company
Board Memberships
High Museum of Art
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
John McCain
US Senator and Representative from Arizona
Andrew J McKenna
Chairman - Schwarz Supply Source
Chairman - McDonald's Corporation
Georgia Republican Party
One of the two major political parties in the U.S. state of Georgia.
Bill Bradley
Former US Senator from New Jersey; Managing Director, Allen & Company LLC
Saxby Chambliss
Republican US Senator and Representative from Georgia
Lamar Alexander
former Republican US Senator from Tennessee (2003-2021)
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Donald R Keough
Retired as president and chief operating officer of The Coca-Cola Company in 1993