Eileen Weiser is in her second term on the State Board of Education (1999-2006, 2011- 2018). Her priorities on the State Board are raising student achievement and improving teacher preparation and training. Mrs. Weiser holds piano performance degrees from Michigan State University (B.M.1972) and the University of Michigan (M.M., 1975). As executive director of the McKinley Foundation, Weiser coordinated community projects to initiate a countywide family literacy campaign, aid in the implementation of a K-6 public school curriculum project, and convert an old scrapyard into a center for local nonprofit art and human service foundations. She has participated in numerous state and national study groups on education issues. She served two terms as a board member for the National Assessment Governing Board, which sets policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP, or The Nation's Report Card). She has served on the boards of The Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), Michigan’s Attorney Discipline Board, the Midwest Higher Education Compact (MHEC), and the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the state’s cultural grantmaker. She is currently a board member for the Michigan Science Center, a gubernatorial appointee to Education Commission of the States (ECS), and a gubernatorial appointee to the 21st Century Education Commission. Mrs. Weiser lived with her family in the Slovak Republic from 2001-2004 while her former husband, the Honorable Ronald Weiser, served there as U.S. Ambassador. The couple's divorce was finalized in October 2021 according to court records. Financial terms were not disclosed. They and their young son Daniel reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan with two married children and five grandchildren living nearby.