Business Positions
Brown and Company Inc
Consulting and lobbying primarily for defense and shipbuilding related businesses
Center Forward
Centrist PAC, formerly Blue Dog Research Forum, opposes social welfare spending, taxes on the wealthy, and regulations on business.
In the office of
Bart T Stupak
US Representative from Michigan
New Republican Majority Fund
Affiliate: ex-Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss)
Gary Eugene Taylor
Former US Representative from Mississippi (1989-2011)
John Patrick Murtha Jr
Democrat, US Representative from Pennsylvania
Duncan Lee Hunter
Former US Representative from California, father of Rep. Duncan D. Hunter
Olympia Snowe
Former US Senator and Representative from Maine
Herb Bateman
US Representative from Virginia
Jerry Lewis
US Representative from California
Jason Altmire
Democratic US Representative from Pennsylvania
Services & Transactions
Intuit, Inc.
TurboTax and other financial software
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is the first and largest integrated, not-for-profit group practice in the world.
Biogen Inc
multinational biotech company