Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
Frank Lautenberg
US Senator from New Jersey
Al D’Amato
US Senator from New York; Park Strategies
Emily's List
EMILY's List members are dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to office.
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate
Chuck Schumer
US Senator, former Representative from New York
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Jon M Huntsman Jr
Trump ambassador to Russia, resigned August 2019; Chairman, the Atlantic Council | former Governor of Utah
Michael L Tarnopol
Vice chairman of the International Banking Division of Bear, Stearns & Co.