Tom Carpenter joined Wexler & Walker in 2004 to develop and implement public policy strategies, from coalition building and media outreach to direct lobbying of Congress and the Administration branch. Among other duties, Mr. Carpenter serves as Executive Director of the Hydrogen Advisory Council, a coalition of US manufacturing interests and energy suppliers working to promote public policy on hydrogen energy and fuel cell development. Mr. Carpenter formerly served Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO) as Legislative Assistant. During his tenure there, Mr. Carpenter advised Akin on telecommunications, international relations and social policy directives. Mr. Carpenter maintains an extensive network of colleagues on Capitol Hill and within the Administration, and his experience on a multitude of public policy issues supports Wexler Walker clients’ needs in the areas of healthcare, energy, housing, technology and aerospace. Also a campaign veteran, Mr. Carpenter is active in Republican political circles and served as a campaign field director for Bush-Cheney in 2004. Mr. Carpenter is a Phi Beta Kappa and Cum Laude graduate of the University of Tennessee where he received a degree in Communications with a minor in Political Science.