Business Positions
Capitol Hill Strategies LLC - (merged with PSW)
Government Relation Firm now merged with Public Strategies Washington
Parven Pomper & Associates
Gore 2000 Inc
Al Gore campaign committee
In the office of
Charlie Rose
US Representative from North Carolina
John S Tanner
Former US Representative from Tennessee (TN8 1989 to 2011). Currently chairman of the ICCF foundation.
Mike McIntyre
US Representative from North Carolina
Joe Crowley
Lobbyist, former Congressperson (D-NY 14)
John Barrow
Representative from Georgia
William Owens
US Representative from New York
Mike McIntyre
US Representative from North Carolina
John Carney
Delaware governor, former U.S. Representative
Steny Hoyer
Democratic US Representative from Maryland
Gerry Connolly
US Representative from Virginia (2009-present)
Blue Dog Political Action Committee
political action committee
Services & Transactions
Citigroup Inc.
Major American bank
Advanced Medical Technology Association
Medical tech industry group
Represents research-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the US
Amgen Inc.
Altria Group, Inc.
formerly Philip Morris; the largest U.S. tobacco company