Andrew is a Co-Founder of B Corporations. B Corporations are a new type of corporation which use the power of business to create public benefit. There are over 185 certified B Corporations, representing a diverse $1 billion marketplace. B Lab is the non-profit 501(c)3 organization that certifies and promotes B CorporationsTM, as well as capital markets and policy initiatives to accelerate growth of this emerging sector of the economy. Prior to co-founding B Corporations, Andrew spent 16 years in the private equity business; as a Partner at MSD Real Estate Capital, an affiliate of MSD Capital, the $12 billion investment vehicle for Michael Dell, and as Managing Director in Credit Suisse First Boston's Private Equity Department, a founding partner of DLJ Real Estate Capital Partners, and President of its international business. He is a Board Member of the Freelancers Union and the Freelancers Union Insurance Company, a Board Member of Echoing Green, an Advisory Board member of Wall St. Without Walls, and a member of the investment committee of the Patient Capital Collaborative, and an Advisor to the NYU Reynolds Fellows Program. He was raised in Boulder, Colorado and graduated with Distinction from Stanford University where he was a Truman Scholar and President's Award winner. He is a member of the 2001 class of Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute. Andrew lives in New York City with his two sons, the Emperor Maximilian (five years) and the Boy King Jedidiah (two years).