Howard Dean
79th Governor of Vermont
Cornell William Brooks
18th President of the NAACP
Emily's List
EMILY's List members are dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to office.
Democracy for America
Progressive political action committee founded by former DNC chair and presidential candidate Howard Dean
Judith-Ann Corrente
Non profit professional; former Managing Director of the Metropolitan Opera
Willem Kooyker
Chairman of Blenheim Capital Management
Don Beyer
U.S. Congressman; Lieutenant Governor of Virginia from 1990 to 1998, and Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein under President Obama.
Bill Melton
CEO/co-Founder, CyberCash, Inc.
Lawrence E Hess
Retired President, Lehbros Limited real estate - formerly Lehman Brothers
Gladys Cofrin
Self employed counselor - Gainesville Florida
Ellen R Malcolm
Treasurer of Women Vote
Robert T Hall
Personal Injury Attorney in Reston, Va
Mark Warner
US Senator from Virginia (2009-present); former Governor of Virginia
John Hoving
The Hoving Group
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress