Chuck Warren is a managing director in Silver Bullet, LLC (, a public affairs, crisis communication and initiative qualification company. Mr. Warren has worked for major law firms, municipalities, developers, organizations and companies as diverse as;; Blue Cross Blue Shield; Delta Airlines; Comcast; Gold Cross Ambulance; Eureka Casino Resort; Casablanca Resort Casino; Republican Governors Association; Alliance for School Choice; Lewis, Young, Robertson & Burningham, Inc; and Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA). He has worked closely with Patrick Byrne, CEO,, on the state and federal level to bring awareness and achieve regulatory changes to the practice of naked shorting Mr. Warren is a prolific fundraiser. He served on the Utah and National Finance Committee for Romney for President in 2012. He served as the Utah Finance Chair and on the National Finance Committee for Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani in 2008; Utah Finance Committee, John McCain for President in 2008; and on finance committees for Lamar Alexander and George W. Bush. He has raised money for numerous current and former members of Congress, including Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), Straight Talk Express PAC, Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), former Gov. Jon Huntsman (R-UT), Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and former Sen. George Allen's senate campaign as well as numerous issue advocacy groups. Mr. Warren was a general consultant for Sen. Orrin Hatch’s 2012 re-election campaign and consultant for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), Republican National Committee (RNC) and FreedomWorks. He served as a senior strategist for First Class Education and currently serves as senior strategist and founder of Save Our Secret Ballot ( and Pass the Balanced Budget Amendment ( He is also a consultant for Faith and Freedom Coalition and numerous 501(c)(4) and third party public education campaigns. In 2004, Mr. Warren helped organize the final week GOTV effort for Bush-Cheney ’04 in Hillsborough County Florida (Tampa) with election-day results 7 percent better than in the 2000 election. Mr. Warren is an equity owner in September Inc., (; manager director, Campaign Butler, LLC (; and managing director, Monolith Registries, LLC, a registry dedicated to securing upcoming Top Level Domains .VOTE and .VOTO. Mr. Warren currently serves or served in various capacities with the following non-profit organizations: Boys and Girls Clubs of South Valley (Utah), Board of Directors; Operation Kids, National Advisory Board (2007-2010); Best Buddies, Finance Chair 2008 Gala; Katie L. Dixon Endowed Fund Advisory Board; ICANN, Business Constituency Committee (2007-present); and Utah Autism Coalition, Board of Advisors (2010 – present). He formerly served as a radio host for “Inside America”; as a board member for Parents for Choice in Education; and as the Wasatch Front Bonnet Ball President.