Thomas Humphries has been the president and CEO of the Regional Chamber since April 1997. He oversees the operational functions for the organization and initiates, leads and facilitates the overall strategic plan of economic development and member service issues and promotes and enhances the Chamber’s image throughout the service region. Under his leadership, the organization has enjoyed unprecedented growth in both total number of members and membership services provided. The 3,000 member companies and organizations today represent well over 150,000 employees. Prior to taking the helm at the Chamber, Humphries was a general manager for Sprint’s Ohio East region. He is a principal of Data Voice Systems Review, Inc., which audits, analyzes and implements telecommunications and associate services for companies across North America, and his experience in the telecommunications industry has spanned 40 years. Humphries is a founding member of Team Northeast Ohio (NEO), serves on the boards of several local, regional and state community and economic development organizations and received a governor’s appointment to the board of Partnership for Continued Learning in Columbus.