In the office of
Ron Dellums
US Representative from California
Aida M Alvarez
former administrator of US Small Business Administration; Wal-Mart director
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
Bernie Sanders
Independent US Senator and former representative from Vermont, 2016 and 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate
Michael Jackson
former Democratic member of the Louisiana House of Representatives
Rev Jesse Jackson, Sr
American Baptist minister, activist, and politician
William Jennings Jefferson
US Representative from Louisiana
Maria Jobin-Leeds
co-founder and managing partner of the Jobin-Leeds Partnership for Democracy and Education, LLC
Greg Jobin-Leeds
Chair of the Board at Schott Foundation for Public Education
Quinn Delaney
Akonadi Foundation
Stephen M Silberstein
Retired - Belvedere California
Tom Steyer
Farallon Capital Management. 2020 Dem presidential candidate. Backs NextGen Climate Action, Trump impeachment
Elwyn Berlekamp
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of California - Berkeley
Jeffrey Z Slavin
Mayor, Town Of Somerset Maryland -Real Estate, CJ O'Shaughnessy Inc.
Mal Warwick
Founder and Chairman, Mal Warwick | Donordigital
Ray Carlisle
President Carlisle Companies
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus
Congressional caucuses (House and Senate) to increase awareness of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in the United States
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
Safe Climate Caucus
US Congressional Caucus whose members understand that climate change is the moral issue of our time.
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party
House Foreign Affairs Committee
The House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs (known as the Committee on International Relations from 1995 until 2007).
Miscellaneous Relationships
Fundraising and voter engagement platform supporting environmentally progressive politicians
Supporters of 'Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act' (HR 2307)
All in favor of the 'Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act'