Business Positions
Mercator Partners, LLC
Consulting on information, communication, and technology sectors
ViaSat, Inc.
Broadband services, and satellite and wireless networks
Board Memberships
API Cryptek, Inc.
Secure networking products
Loral Space & Communications, Inc.
A satellite communications company
ViaSat, Inc.
Broadband services, and satellite and wireless networks
Serco Services Inc.
NSA contractor, bought by UK-based Serco in 2008
The MITRE Corporation
Not-for-profit federally-funded research organization
Groove Networks, Inc.
PC/Internet communication software firm sold to Microsoft
In the office of
Donald H Rumsfeld
Secretary of Defense under George W Bush and Gerald Ford; neoconservative leader; corporate CEO
Government Positions
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP