Gary Slagel
Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association
Kathleen A McGinty
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Michael Donovan
Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association
Terry R Bossert
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
John Hanger
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Michael L Krancer
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
J Scott Roberts
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Barbara Sexton
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Richard Adams
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Joe Umholtz
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Gary Byron
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Helen Humphreys
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Jim Seif
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
David Hess
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Alisa Harris
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
William Darr
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Steven C Beckman
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
John Hines
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Scott Perry
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Patrick Solano
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection