General Service Foundation President Robert Musser and his wife, vice president Marcie Musser, live in Aspen. Robert’s grandparents Margaret and Clifton Musser, son of an original partner in the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., began the foundation in 1946 with an initial endowment of about $3,000. The foundation’s name, incidentally, comes from the General Service Co., a former subsidiary of Weyerhaeuser that was in charge of internal fiscal and business matters. Among the recipients of GSF grants in 2006 were such names as the Alliance for Global Justice, the Comision Mexicana de Defensa y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos (Mexican Human Rights Commission), the Due Process of Law Foundation, the International Association of Women Judges, Advocates For Youth, Asians for Reproductive Justice, Trout Unlimited, Western Colorado Congress and the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization, among others. The recipients work in everything from reproductive rights and “gender justice” to legal aid for Mexicans to globalization issues to campaigns for sweatshop-free goods.