Intelligence and National Security Alliance
Barbara A McNamara, DeEtte Gray, Jake Jacoby, Michele Platt
Professional Services Council
Kenneth Asbury, DeEtte Gray, Dan Allen
US Department of Defense
Gordon R England, Arthur L. Money, Keith Kellogg
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Dan Allen, Karl E. Nell
National Security Council
Michael A Daniels, Keith Kellogg
Computer Sciences Corporation
Michael J Mancuso
Leidos Holdings, Inc.
Michael A Daniels
Oshkosh Corporation
William S Wallace
The Shaw Group Inc
Michael J Mancuso
Michael J Mancuso
Ryland Group
William L Jews
Michael J Mancuso
Barr Pharmaceuticals
Jim Gilmore
Mike Pence
Keith Kellogg
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Gordon R England
United States Air Force
Arthur L. Money
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Michael A Daniels
US Army
Karl E. Nell
Department of the Navy
Gordon R England
National Security Agency
Barbara A McNamara