Democratic National Committee
Robert L Ryan, John G Breen, Benjamin H Griswold IV, Eileen S Kraus, Dmitri Stockton
Biden Action Fund
Michael D Hankin
Barack Obama
Robert L Ryan, Virgis W Colbert, Dmitri Stockton
Republican National Committee
John G Breen, Benjamin H Griswold IV
General Electric Company Political Action Committee-Federal (Gepac Federal)
Dmitri Stockton
General Electric Company Political Action Committee (Gepac)
Robert B Coutts, Dmitri Stockton
Mitt Romney
M Anthony Burns, Nolan D Archibald, Robert B Coutts, John G Breen, Benjamin H Griswold IV, John F Lundgren
Republican Party of Florida
M Anthony Burns
John Kerry
Benjamin H Griswold IV, Eileen S Kraus, Dmitri Stockton
George W Buckley
R.J. Reynolds Political Action Committee; Reynolds American Inc.
Debra Ann Crew
Stanley Black & Decker PAC
James R Ray
Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee
John G Breen
Hillary Clinton
Virgis W Colbert, Robert B Coutts
Mike DeWine
John G Breen
Emily's List
Eileen S Kraus
John McCain
John G Breen, Benjamin H Griswold IV, Dmitri Stockton
Medtronic Inc. Medical Technology Fund
Robert L Ryan
Tom Cotton
Robert B Coutts
With Honor PAC
Michael D Hankin