WNY healthcare system
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Catholic Health System also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Buffalo Niagara Partnership Paul Tokasz, Joseph D McDonald, Lawrence V Whistler, Sharon D Randaccio, Carl Montante, Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker, James R Boldt, Mark Sullivan, Michael P Keating, Candace Johnson, James A Dunlop Jr, David L Rogers
Sisters of Charity Hospital of Buffalo New York Joseph D McDonald, Dennis Dombek, Cynthia Zane, Robert E Zapfel, Mark Sullivan, Brian Beitz
Canisius College Joseph D McDonald, Lawrence V Whistler, Robert Greene, Carl Montante, Jay McWatters
Movement to Restore Trust Maureen O. Hurley, Robert Greene, Carl Montante, Nancy W Ware
M&T Bank Corporation Paul Tokasz, Shelley Drake, Brian Beitz
The Buffalo Zoo Robert Greene, Nancy W Ware, Mark Sullivan
Western New York Public Broadcasting Joseph D McDonald, Robert Greene, Carlton Brock Jr
Ernst & Young LLP Michael J Murray, David M Schmidt
Dopkins & Company Jay McWatters, Teresa Majors
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation Jack Quinn, Maureen O. Hurley
The Buffalo Club Arthur A Russ Jr, Candace Johnson
The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo Robert Greene, Carl Montante
United Way of Buffalo & Erie County Lawrence V Whistler, Sharon D Randaccio
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Robert Greene, Cynthia Zane
Phillips Lytle LLP Robert Greene, Arthur A Russ Jr
Gibraltar Steel Corporation Arthur A Russ Jr
University at Buffalo Foundation, Inc. Arthur A Russ Jr
Kaleida Health Carrie Beiter Frank
Moog Inc. Maureen Athoe
Erie Community College Jack Quinn