Mission Statement: America’s Future is the nation’s leader in the fight to preserve American values and ideals, protect the nation’s Constitutional Republic, promote strong American families, revitalize the role of faith in our society, and advance the virtues of free market capitalism. To fulfill its promise to the nation and We The People, America’s Future deploys all of its resources through educational and informational initiatives, strategic partnerships, communications and networking opportunities. Under a set of guiding principles, America’s Future strengthens American patriotism, reinforces American greatness, and re-establishes our founding fathers’ framework that America is “one nation, under God, of the people, for the people and by the people.” Current contact address (per website): (The UPS Store) 1181 S. Sumter Blvd, #412 North Port, FL 34287 P 941-876-8112 Current registered physical address: 7800 Bonhomme Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63105 Company Name: AMERICA'S FUTURE, INC. Entity Type: FOREIGN NON-PROFIT CORPORATION File Number: F21000003449 Filing State: Florida (FL) Domestic State: Delaware (DE) Filing Status: Active Filing Date: June 17, 2021 Company Age: 4 Months Registered Agent: Flynn O'neill Mary 3191 Traverse Ave North Port, FL 34286 Principal Address: 7800 Bonhomme Ave Saint Louis, MO 63105 Mailing Address: 7800 Bonhomme Ave Saint Louis, MO 63105 Source: Florida Department of State Company Contacts: JOSEPH FLYNN Director 1811 Englewood Rd #289 Englewood, FL 34223 MICHAEL T FLYNN Chairman 2605 72nd Ave E #904 Ellenton, FL 34219 MICHAEL T FLYNN Director 2605 72nd Ave E #904 Ellenton, FL 34219 ED MARTIN President, Director 7800 Bonhomme Ave Saint Louis, MO 63105 JOHN SCHLAFLY D/S/ 7800 Bonhomme Ave Saint Louis, MO 63105 JACK SINGLAUB Director 7800 Bonhomme Ave Saint Louis, MO 63105