Update from America's Future, Inc. website Sept. 27, 2021: "Ed Martin is the President of America’s Future. Ed succeeded Major General John K. “Jack” Singlaub, USA (Ret.) in 2015 when he was elevated to Chairman of the organization. He is also the successor of Phyllis Schlafly and leads her continuing Eagle organizations. Ed is a lawyer who holds advanced degrees in medical ethics and philosophy and was awarded post-graduate fellowships in Italy and in Indonesia. Ed has served as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party and as a member of the Republican National Committee. He was chief of staff for Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, where he helped Missouri to pass pro-life and school-choice legislation. Having run for office, Ed is well versed in political strategy and tactics, how candidates win and lose, and how legislation is passed and defeated. In 2016, Ed coauthored with Phyllis Schlafly and Brett Decker the New York Times bestseller The Conservative Case for Trump. He is also a frequent consultant on various media outlets." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin, 47, of St. Louis County, an attorney by training, for years has been staking out the right edge of Missouri politics, generally with controversy in tow. As chief of staff for Republican Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt in 2007, Martin allegedly used state computers to whip up opposition to Democrats, then allegedly lied to the media about the existence of those computer records, then fired a staff attorney who tried to get the office to follow the law. In the end, Martin resigned, Blunt’s single term was sullied and the state was out about $2 million in legal fees and settlements. After failed campaigns for Congress and Missouri attorney general, Martin became chairman of the Missouri GOP in 2013, a post he held for a tumultuous two years. Martin became the right-hand man to Schlafly, the Alton-based conservative icon who was by then elderly — and whose support for Trump in the 2016 primaries, spurning more traditional conservative candidates, dismayed many of her family-values-oriented followers. Schlafly’s daughter and others blamed Martin, an ardent Trump supporter from early on. Schlafly died in 2016 at 92 with her children embroiled in a tangle of litigation. Martin controls one of her nonprofits but has been expelled from another. Former CNN analyst who was booted off the network for calling African-American co-panelists “Black racists.”