What we believe. We believe all people should enjoy the benefits of technology and data to improve their lives. We believe that great technology products can be built and sustained in ways that respect individual privacy. We believe people have the right to control and benefit from their personal information. We believe in transparency and accountability. We believe in equity and inclusivity. We believe we are stronger together. Everything we do adheres to these principles. We welcome, enable and support all partners who share these principles. How our beliefs manifest. A public trust. In the construction of a public trust. We have established a new kind of entity to meet the needs of our times, filling the void between business, government, and traditional nonprofits. We built a governance structure to hold our organization and our board accountable to our public purpose. Our model incorporates a broad group of Trustees who serve as long-term keepers of the flame, electing and holding our board accountable, and helping ensure we stay true to our mission and public-interest principles. Interoperability. In products that break down the siloed walls that have been built around personal data. By enabling people to amass a longitudinal, lifelong health record, CommonHealth provides a more complete picture of a person’s health, which can aid and inform better care. Data is only useful to the degree it is interoperable. Personal agency. In products that privilege informed consent. Building tools that empower individuals to take control of the use of their data begins for us in public health. By partnering with and gathering a remarkable group of privacy experts, ethicists and computer scientists, we have built a foundational set of guidelines and product specifications that stake new ground for data privacy and use. Greater prosperity for all. In building inclusivity into our core. By freeing data from silos and allowing individuals to contribute their data to research we enable a more representative and comprehensive data set, resulting in more impactful research. CommonHealth takes the first step by allowing Android smartphone users to participate in studies alongside Apple users making research more representative and thorough. Our team. Our team members have built some of the world's largest tech platforms, led global health programs, founded global scale companies, served at the highest levels of government, produced award winning movies and led humanitarian and philanthropic partnerships. Meet the team Our trustees. Our board and trustees include leaders and innovators in healthcare, business, technology, and philanthropy from around the world. Meet the trustees The Commons Project 12 Rue de Corbusier, #751 Geneva GE 1208 Switzerland 420 Fifth Avenue, 19th Floor New York, NY 10018 USA 5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo 106- 0032, Japan 14/F 18-20 Lyndhurst Terrace Central, Hong Kong Our Work About Newsroom Connect Twitter LinkedIn Contact: info@thecommonsproject.org © 2019-20 The Commons Project