David M Carroll
Senior EVP, Wealth, Brokerage & Retirement Services at Wells Fargo
William J. Rex
Retired Securities from Prudential and Wachovia
W Barnes Hauptfuhrer
Head of ChapterIV Investors
Ismail Dawood
head of Global Corporate Development of The Bank of New York Mellon
Stephen E Cummings
former SEVP at Wachovia
Wells Fargo & Company
Large San Francisco-based bank holding company
Robert Alexander Ingram
Former Vice Chairman Pharmaceuticals, of GlaxoSmithKline
William H Goodwin Jr
Reitred Chairman and President, CCA Industries, Inc., Richmond, Virginia
Maryellen C Herringer
Chair of ABM Industries Incorporated
John T Casteen III
former president of UVA
Dona D Young
Retired Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Phoenix Companies
Wells Fargo & Company
Large San Francisco-based bank holding company
The Partnership for New York City, Inc.
Nonprofit membership organization comprised of a select group of two hundred CEOs from top NYC-based businesses
Williams & Jensen
Lobbying firm based in Washington, DC
Capitol Hill Strategies LLC - (merged with PSW)
Government Relation Firm now merged with Public Strategies Washington
Groom Law Group Chartered
Law Firm specializing in Employee Benefits
White House Office
Includes multiple levels of presidential advisory boards and advisors
US Senate
upper house of the United States Congress
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
Federal Reserve System
Central bank of the United States
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Federal regulatory agency