CRC was founded in 1989 but came to prominence in 2004 through its work on the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” campaign to cast doubt on Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry’s war record. CRC‘s founder and chairman is Leif Noren, former executive director and treasurer of the National Conservative Political Action Committee, a right-wing advocacy group. its president is Greg Mueller, former communications director during “paleoconservative” political commentator Pat Buchanan’s presidential campaign bids in 1992 and 1996. Mueller also has close ties to Leonard Leo, who is a Vice President of the Federalist Society whohas worked with the Kochs to help pack the courts, in addition to launching dark money operations like the BH Fund and BH Group. In September 2017, CRC purchased The Polling Company, a public opinion company founded by former Trump campaign manager and White House Advisor Kellyanne Conway, who has a long history of working with CRC.