Leadership & Staff
Emily Buchanan
Executive VP, Susan B. Anthony List
Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List
Jennifer Gross
Vice President of Administration for Susan B. Anthony List
Clint Cline
President at Design4 Messaging and Media
Anna Higgins
Susan B. Anthony List Lobbyist
Sean Fieler
Analyst, Equinox Management Partners, L.P. Anti-abortion billionaire hedge funder, Leonard Leo ally
American Encore
501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to David and Charles Koch, led by Sean Noble
Evangchr4 Trust
Koch 501c4 behind evangelical Institute for Faith, Work and Economics
Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce
501(c)6 led by Koch Brothers
Alliance Defending Freedom
Legal ministry bringing together Christian lawyers
Concord Fund
hub of well-funded politically conservative "dark money" network
Charles P McQuaid
Portfolio Manager, Columbia Wanger Asset Management, LLC
Betsy DeVos
Trump's education secretary - family net worth of $5.1 billion
Greg Mueller
CRC Public Relations
Tatnall Lea Hillman
Aspen, Colorado son of billionaire John Hartwell Hillman Jr.
Pamela Gilardi
New Smyrna Beach
Jack Abramoff
Superlobbyist and Republican fundraiser | Convicted GOP lobbyist and embezzler
Christopher B Cannon
US Representative from Utah
Elsa D. Prince-Broekhuizen
Widow of Edgar Prince
Ed Whelan
President, Ethics and Public Policy Center; former law clerk to Justice Scalia
Child Organizations
Election Transparency Initiative
$5 million voting reform campaign targeting states with "close 2020 margins and a pro-life GOP-controlled legislature."
Susan B Anthony List Candidate Fund
Conservative women's candidate PAC
Project 2025
Far-right plan to take power in 2024 elections, "decimate the deep state" via policy, personnel, training
Alliance Defending Freedom
Legal ministry bringing together Christian lawyers
Services & Transactions
CRC Advisors
Right wing US political consulting firm founded by Leif Noren
OnMessage Inc.
Political issue/campaign advertising
Yaakov M. Roth
Miscellaneous Relationships
National Organization for Marriage
Conservative, anti-gay lobbying group