Texas graphic icon OVERVIEW The job market in the United States has changed since the recession. Higher education is more important than ever. College completions in Texas are improving, but not quickly enough. Only 20 percent of Texas 8th-grade students in 2006 graduated from college by 2017. This is far below what the state needs. Experts say that in 12 years 60 percent of Texans will need a certificate or degree for the state to stay competitive in the global economy. Right now, not nearly enough Texas students are completing the levels of education needed to fill the jobs that will be available. That is why Texas adopted the 60x30TX plan. The future of Texas depends on a skilled and dynamic workforce, and a skilled and dynamic workforce begins with Texas students. plan icon OUR PLAN 60x30TX was launched in 2015 with a clear and bold vision: to be among the highest-achieving states in the country. 60x30TX is a roadmap to help Texas reach that future through higher education. Higher education provides many benefits to Texas students, their families, and the communities in which they live and work. That is why each 60x30TX goal is centered on Texas students. Research shows that someone with bachelor’s degree can earn nearly double the lifetime wages of a high school graduate. And as wages go up, so does the state’s revenue through tax increases. Higher education also helps the state meet its changing workforce needs and spurs new businesses. In other words, when Texas students win, the state wins. HOT TOPICS Progress report The data included in the 2019 progress report for 60x30TX reveals that Texas is making positive, modest progress toward most of the plan’s goals and targets, with a decrease in two targets since the 2015 baseline. This report provides breakouts and explanations of the 60x30TX metrics and displays goals and targets through 2030. In addition, it summarizes activities and initiatives that support the strategies listed in the plan. The 2019 Progress Report is the third to be issued since 60x30TX was adopted.