US Department of State
Anthony Lake, Thomas R Pickering, Robert S Gelbard, U Alexis Johnson
Barack Obama
Anthony Lake, Robert S Gelbard
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
U Alexis Johnson, Charles Sheldon Whitehouse
Atlantic Council
Thomas R Pickering, Robert S Gelbard
Obama for America
Anthony Lake, Robert S Gelbard
Eurasia Foundation
Thomas R Pickering, Richard Miles
Henry A Kissinger
Anthony Lake, Herman F Eilts
US Department of Defense
Eric Edelman
Manatt Phelps & Phillips
Susan M Schmidt
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Douglas B Wilson
US Information Agency
Douglas B Wilson
Manatt Jones Global Strategies LLC
Susan M Schmidt
Bill Clinton
Anthony Lake
Council on Foreign Relations
Thomas R Pickering
George H W Bush
Robert S Gelbard
Condoleezza Rice
David Satterfield
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Thomas R Pickering
Hills & Company
Thomas R Pickering
Strobe Talbott
Eric Edelman
Mount Holyoke College
Anthony Lake