Leadership & Staff
Michele Allan
Australia | experienced non-executive director and has a strong understanding of agribusiness, public policy and regulation within food and agriculture industries
Nick Pagett
More than 30 years’ experience working in senior executive roles in a range of industries & sectors including R&D, food supply chains, & agriculture.
Robert Mardus-Hall
Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer | UNSW Australia Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Nuclear Engineering 2016 - 2020 Multiphysics simulation of advanced reactor design
Megan Clark
Head of the Australian Space Agency | Chief Executive at CSIRO
Alex Zelinsky, AO
Vice-Chancellor and President of University of Newcastle (AU), and former Chief Defence Scientist of DST Group
Len Sciacca
Enterprise Professor at University of Melbourne, former DSTG Division Chief
Board Members
Kathryn Fagg
CSIRO Board Chair | Chair of Watertrust Australia Ltd | Board Member Grattan Institute
Ian Macfarlane
CEO of Queenland Resources Coincil and ex-politician (Liberal Party)
David Knox
Chair of Snowy Hydro | Managing Director & CEO of Australian Naval Infrastructure
Tanya Monro
CSIRO Board Member, Chief Defence Scientist
Edwina Cornish
Professor, La Trobe Council Member, CSIRO board member
CSIRO Innovation Fund
Create to address the 'valley of death' between research and commercialisation.
Main Sequence Ventures
Created by CSIRO | Invests in companies, cutting edge scientific discoveries with the world's biggest challenges to build nxt gen global companies.
Child Organizations
Boorowa Agricultural Research Station
Purpose-built 290 hectare facility that is helping develop Australian farms of the future by testing emerging technologies in crop science, agronomy and farming systems.
Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance
A collaboration between CSIRO, Commonwealth and state governments and industry established to undertake publicly-reported independent research.
Government Data Innovation Initiative of CSIRO in Australia
AmCham Australia
American Chamber of Commerce in Australia
Chemistry Australia
the pre-eminent national body representing Australia’s $40 billion chemistry industry.
Smartsat CRC
Consortium of universities and research organisations funded by the Australian Government to develop know-how and technologies.
Cotton Research and Development Corporation
Australia | Commonwealth statutory RDC | CRDC Delivers outcomes in cotton research, development and extension (RD&E) for the Australian cotton industry.
Australian Carbon Innovation
Operating as Australian Carbon Innovation. Organisation registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
Business Council of Australia
Key corporate lobby group
Services & Transactions
Boeing Company
Advanced technology manufacturer and systems developer
University of Adelaide
A public research university located in Adelaide, South Australia
Miscellaneous Relationships
Australian company, AgTech startup | specialises in developing digital twin technology to support sustainable and productive agriculture.
Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology (CEAT)
Is an Australian National University Innovation Institute. Joint initiative between the ANU & CSIRO with support & funding from ACT Govt.
Monash University
A public university based in Melbourne, Australia
Carbon Nexus
Research facility in in Waurn Ponds, Geelong
Young ICT Explorers
Digital Education for Students, Australia
Rheinmetall Defence Australia Pty Ltd
Entity representing the Rheinmetall Defence range of products and services in Australia and New Zealand