Leadership & Staff
Christopher Prandoni
Federal affairs manager, Americans for Tax Reform
Jesse Benton
Longtime associate of Ron Paul and his son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul
Sarah Elliott
Chairman of Republicans Overseas UK
Peter Cleary
right-wing lobbyist; Americans for Tax Reform; CPAC; GMA; lawyer & gay rights activist
Brian M Johnson
Lobbyist, American Petroleum Institute
Grover Norquist
anti-tax activist and power broker
Board Members
American Encore
501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to David and Charles Koch, led by Sean Noble
American Petroleum Institute
Oil and natural gas industry association
John William Pope Foundation
Pipe line for tax exempt donations to GOP 501c4 orgs and political operations
Charles Koch Foundation
Grantmaking foundation controlled by Koch Industries CEO Charles Koch
British American Tobacco PLC
Second largest tobacco company in the world
Reynolds American Inc.
Manufacturer of tobacco products
Claude R. Lambe Foundation
Koch family controlled funding mechanism
Japan Tobacco International
International tobacco manufacturer
Altria Group, Inc.
formerly Philip Morris; the largest U.S. tobacco company
RJ Reynolds Tobacco
Second-largest tobacco company in the United States
Child Organizations
Center for Worker Freedom
Educational organization dedicated to warning the public about the causes and consequences of unionization
Free Market Road Show
initiative of the Austrian Economics Centre
Cooler Heads Coalition
Coalition of climate denying nonprofits and organizations
Liberty Coalition
Broad civil liberties coalition
Digital Due Process Coalition
ECPA reform coalition
State Policy Network
right-wing think tank network
Services & Transactions
Miscellaneous Relationships
Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act
Proposed 2.5 Trillion Dollar Covid-19 Relief Packaged Advanced By Pelosi and US House
Matthew Elliott
Founder and former Chief Executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, Chief Executive of Vote Leave campaign